Food supplements: good complement to my diet?

Mentioning that adequate nutrition is obtained through good eating habits is nothing new and is a fundamental pillar for building a healthy lifestyle. But what really is good nutrition? How can we achieve it despite our fast pace of life?

Below we will address this topic to raise awareness of the importance of keeping our body functioning at 100% and how, through informed and responsible consumption, food supplements are an ideal complement to our daily lives.

Why take dietary supplements ?

Whether due to lack of time or ignorance, there is a significant percentage of people who do not prioritize the intake of nutrients that the body requires to cope with the routine. Food supplements represent a healthy option to obtain those additional vitamins and minerals that our body needs.

Are there supplements considered naturopathic products ?

Being made from herbs, fruit concentrates and plant extracts that are added with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes, food supplements can be considered naturopathic products . These are marketed in the form of capsules, pearls, tablets, syrups, powders and emulsions, with the aim of complementing the nutritional requirements of those who consume them.

Types of dietary supplements

Traditionally, the classification of supplements is carried out based on the substances they contain and according to the purpose for their consumption. The most common categorization of its components is divided as follows:

  • Vitamins and minerals: Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, etc.
  • Proteins: Some such as glutamine, tryptophan, collagen and amino acids are proteins suggested to improve sports or physical performance and strengthen the musculoskeletal system.
  • Amino acids: Components of proteins that are impossible for the human body to synthesize and therefore must be consumed through the diet. The essential ones are leucine, isoleucine, valine, methionine, lysine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, threonine, histidine, creatine and arginine.
  • Fatty acids: DHA, omega 3, 6, 7 and 9, are essential for the body and provide many benefits to the immune, nervous and circulatory system.
  • Probiotics: Ideal for balancing intestinal flora, promoting the absorption of vitamins and improving digestion. Among them we find lactobacilli, enterococci and bifidobacteria.
  • Extracts or concentrates: They come directly from plants, fruits or vegetables.
  • Fibers: Soluble or insoluble, their function is to help improve the intestinal tract. Some of them are galactooligosaccharides, fructooligosaccharides, pectins, inulin, among others.

Always under medical supervision

Irresponsible consumption, in excess or in the wrong way, can be harmful to our health. A greater quantity does not mean greater benefits, and when we talk about dietary supplements it is no exception.

A healthy lifestyle is achieved through constant care of our body, which is why it will always be advisable to go to health specialists to find out the multivitamins or supplements that suit your needs and your body.

To avoid risk situations such as the combination of several supplements, ingesting them during pregnancy, during an illness or before and after an operation, having medical control and advice or approaching a nutritionist is a starting point that everyone should human must adopt and develop for their health.

Myths and realities about dietary supplements

  • They replace our daily diet: False. Multivitamins are a complement to our diet, not a substitute or replacement.
  • Micronutrient deficiency prevents you from completing a healthy diet: True. Nowadays, the production and preparation of certain foods implies a decrease in their nutritional value and quality, therefore food supplements represent added value to any diet.
  • They are used to treat diseases: False. We are not talking about medications, no multivitamin or supplement prevents, diagnoses or cures diseases.
  • It is advisable to take vitamins and minerals to accompany our foods: True. By including them in our diet on a daily basis, the absorption of micronutrients will be greater.
  • Dietary supplements are for everyone: False. Each organism is different, there may be allergies or intolerances to some of the components that it is important to rule out by consulting with a specialist.
  • Dietary supplements are harmful: False. If they are consumed responsibly and there is a prior quality analysis, their intake will be beneficial for your body.

It is common for us to find ourselves faced with a dilemma when it comes to whether or not to consume dietary supplements and the reality is that there is no absolute answer that resolves this debate. The decision making will depend on the characteristics and needs of each individual and, mainly, their diet.

It never hurts to review the ingredients or their nutritional information, inquire about their benefits or side effects and be critical when adding something to our daily lives that will impact our health.

Under normal circumstances, an adequate and balanced diet will provide us with all the necessary nutrients to keep our body healthy. However, supplements, by concentrating a large amount of nutrients, are an important ally when adopting better eating habits .

Do not lose sight of this and many other contributions that naturopathic products or natural medicines contribute to our health, always trying to stay informed thanks to reliable sources of guaranteed quality.


Sources and references:

Proper use of dietary supplements . (s.f.). NCCIH.

National Library of Medicine. (s.f.). Supplements in the diet .

Office of Dietary Supplements - Multivitamin and Mineral Supplements . (s. f.-b).

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